Thursday, July 5, 2007

ATF Blues

So, for all those of you who might possibly be interested, no, I am not going to be on stage at the Atlantic Theatre Festival this summer. I'm not saying don't buy tickets or anything, because I'm sure that there's going to be some interesting stuff going on and everyone should drag their families with them, but just don't expect me to be a part of it.

I can't tell you why I'm not in it again this year, because I really don't know. They only had one non-Equity position in the first place, and there are plenty of non-Equity actors out there. A dime a dozen, quite likely. I did try to get an audition (unsuccessfully) so I can't really get pissed off at myself for not giving it a shot.

There was an amateur company in Windsor of all places that wanted me to try out for the lead in their summer musical, but I turned them down. There might be a certain amount of irony in that, but according to Alanis Morissette, there's irony in almost everything. Meh.

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